Howard Lasnik Presentations

Invited/Keynote/Plenary Conference Presentations:

1978, "Some issues in the theory of filters," GLOW Conference on Local Processes in Grammar, Amsterdam.
1979, "A note on learnability and theory construction in linguistics," Sloan Foundation Conference on Criteria of Adequacy for Linguistic Theories, Stanford.
1980, "Learnability, restrictiveness, and the evaluation metric," Sloan Foundation Conference on the Logical Problem of Language Acquisition, University of Texas.
1980, "On a lexical parameter in the Government-Binding theory," Sloan Foundation Workshop on Markedness in Grammar, University of Massachusetts.
1982, "The nature and availability of primary linguistic data," Society for Philosophy and Psychology Workshop on Language Learnability, University of Western Ontario.
1982, "Binding or pragmatics?" Cornell Conference on Government-Binding Theory.
1984, Tokyo Linguistics Seminar. A series of lectures on current issues in the theories of syntax and logical form (Background, Binding theory reconsidered, Locality conditions on chains, Implications of a theory of proper government, Further properties of empty categories).
1985, "Subjects of NP's", Brandeis Workshop on Argument Structure.
1985, "Child language vs. adult language: parametric differences?", Boston University Conference on Language Development.
1986, "On the necessity of binding conditions," Princeton Workshop on Comparative Syntax.
1988, "Some questions about theta roles and syntactic theory," Cornell Workshop on Events and Thematic Structure.
1989, "Two notes on control and binding," MIT Workshop on Control
1989, "Case and expletives," Princeton Workshop on Comparative Syntax.
1990, "Anaphora and the modularity of language," 12th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
1990, "Pronouns and non-coreference," Princeton Conference on Linguistic and Philosophical Approaches to the Study of Anaphora.
1991, "On the subject of infinitives," Chicago Linguistic Society Annual Meeting.
1992, "Some consequences of an LF theory of Case," Fifth Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing.
1993, Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar, "The minimalist theory of syntax: Motivations and prospects" (A series of five lectures)
1994, "Back to the future: Towards a minimalist theory of syntax," Society for Philosophy and Psychology -- Symposium on Current Trends in Linguistics.
1994, "Weakness and greed: A consideration of some minimalist concepts," The Washington Area Generative Society -- Comparative Grammar in the Minimalist Spirit.
1994, The First Numazu Linguistics Seminar, "Minimalist syntax and its recent development" (a series of eight lectures).
1994, "Verbal morphology: A hybrid account," Potsdam Workshop on Phrase Structure and Lexical Structure.
1995, "Patterns of verb raising with auxiliary be," Conference on African-American English, Amherst.
1995, "Last Resort," Formal Linguistics Society of Mid-America
1996, "Levels of representation and the elements of anaphora," Workshop on Atomism and Binding, HIL/Leiden University.
1996, "Formalist syntax position paper: On the locality of movement," Conference on Functionalism and Formalism in Linguistics, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
1996, "On Pseudogapping: Some curious properties of a curious ellipsis phenomenon," Workshop on Fragments: Studies in Ellipsis, Conjunction and Gapping, SOAS, London.
1996, "On certain structural aspects of anaphora," Conference on Geometric and Thematic Structure in Binding, The Linguist List On-Line Conference.
1997, "On feature strength: Three minimalist approaches to overt movement," Open Linguistics Forum, University of Ottawa.
1997, "Exceptional Case marking: Perspectives old and new," Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics.
1998, "Some reconstruction riddles," Penn Linguistics Colloquium.
1998, Numazu Junior Chamber of Commerce, Symposium on "The prospects of universities in Japan and the US" (keynote address).
1998, The Fifth Numazu Linguistics Seminar, "Minimalist explorations," (a series of eight lectures).
1999, "Subjects, objects, and the EPP," 1999 LSA Linguistic Institute Workshop on The Role of Grammatical Functions in Transformational Syntax.
1999, "Feature movement or agreement at a distance?" Potsdam Workshop on Remnant Movement, F-movement and their implications for the T-model.
1999, "The English verbal system: A case study in Chomskian explanation," UCSD Seminar on The Nature of Explanation in Linguistic Theory.
2000, "Interactions Between movement and ellipsis," Linguistics in the Next Decade, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
2000, "When can you save a structure by destroying it?" NELS.
2001, "Comments on Newmeyer's presentation," Linguistic Institute, UC Santa Barbara.
2001, "The position of the accusative subject in the accusative-infinitive construction," International Symposium on Non-Nominative Subjects, Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia & Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
2002, "On Exceptional Case Marking constructions," Association for Korean Linguistics, International Conference on Korean Linguistics, Seoul National University.
2002, "Clause-mate conditions," Association for Korean Linguistics, International Conference on Korean Linguistics, Seoul National University.
2002, "On repair by ellipsis," Linguistic Society of Korea, International Summer Conference, Kyung Hee University.
2002, "Existential constructions and the Proper Binding Condition," Linguistic Society of Korea, International Summer Conference, Workshop on Inversion, Kyung Hee University.
2002, "On the Extended Projection Principle," 2002 International Conference on The Interface between Linguistics and Literature, Daegu University.
2002, "On the EPP", Workshop on Greek Syntax, Reading University.
2002, "Conceptions of the cycle", Workshop on "On WH-Movement", Leiden/Utrecht.
2003, “Configurations and theta role assignment: Residues of Deep Structure”, International Seminar on Argument Structure, Delhi.
2003, “Linguistics as a cognitive science: Noam Chomsky's naturalistic approach to language”, International Seminar on Argument Structure, Delhi.
2003, "On certain Proper Binding Condition effects", Workshop on Antisymmetry and Remnant Movement, NYU.
2004, "Some surprising cases of repair and non-repair by ellipsis," Workshop on ellipsis, gaps and empty categories, Leiden University.
2005, "What is the EPP?" GLOW.
2005, "Locality constraints on movement: How general?" Nuts and Core Workshop Forum, LSA Institute.
2005, "The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory: Then and Now," Happy Golden Anniversary, Generative Syntax: 50 years since Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory," LSA Institute.
2006, "On ellipsis: The PF approach to missing constituents", Symposium on Ellipsis, LSA annual meeting, Albuquerque.
2006, "Island repair, non-repair and the organization of the grammar", InterPhases: A Conference on Interfaces in Current Syntactic Theory, University of Cyprus.
2006, “On ellipsis: Is material that is phonetically absent but semantically present present or absent syntactically?” 22nd Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics, University of Aalborg.
2006, "A family of questions", Nanzan University Syntax Workshop.
2007, "What kind of computing device is the human language faculty?", Biolinguistic Investigations, Santo Domingo.
2007, "Up and down the Chomsky Hierarchy", Syntactic Structures - A 50th Anniversary Celebration, Princeton.
2007, "Up and down the Chomsky Hierarchy", 2nd Nanzan University Syntax Workshop.
2007, with J. Uriagereka, "Structure dependence, the rational learner, and Putnam's 'sane person'", MIT Workshop: Where Does Syntax Come From?
2008, “'Raising to Object' in small clauses and full clauses”, 3rd Nanzan University Syntax Workshop.
2009, “Some consequences of single-cycle syntax”, 4th Internat'l Conference on Formal Linguistics, Beijing Foreign Studies University.
2009, “Foundations of Minimalism”, 4th International Conference on Formal Linguistics, Beijing Foreign Studies University.
2010, "Minimalist considerations of the Single Tree Constraint" Workshop on New Horizons in the Minimalist Program Indiana University [Couldn't attend because of illness]
2010, Indiana University SyntaxFest Course: "EPP, repair by ellipsis, and the organization of the grammar" [Couldn't attend because of illness]
2011, “ The syntax of pronoun interpretation: Some recurrent themes”, U. of Maryland MayFest - The Interpretation of Pronouns
2011, “Another look at island repair by deletion”, Islands in Contemporary Linguistic Theory, University of the Basque Country.
2011, “The notion of derivations in linguistics: Syntax”, 50 Years of Linguistics at MIT, MIT.
2013, “Levels of representation and semantic interpretation: Some recurrent themes”, Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 6, Saint-Petersburg State University.
2013, “On certain bleeding orders”, Workshop on Opacity in Grammar, University of Leipzig.
2015, “Islands and ellipsis: A reexamination”, GRASPING ELLIPSIS: its syntax, semantics, acquisition and processing, University of Campinas.
2015, "On the Evaluation Metric" GALANA, University of Maryland 
2016, “Bound pronouns and the theory of Phases”, Jersey Syntax Circle: Prospects for the Theory of Syntax, Princeton.
2016, "Clause-mates, phases, and bound pronouns", Kraków Syntax Lab 2016, Jagiellonian University.
2016, "Shrinking trees: Some early history", Shrinking Trees Workshop, Universität Leipzig.
2017, "Clause-mates, phases, and bound pronouns", X Congresso Internacional da ABRALIN, Universidade Federal Fluminense.
2018, "UConn Syntax: Some lasting insights and their interactions ", 50 Years of Linguistics at UCONN.
2018, "Re-reconsidering ECM", Generative Grammar at the Speed of Ninety, U. of Arizona.
2019, "Exceptional Case-marking: Perspectives Old and New", 25th Annual Graduate Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, and TESOL Symposium, Arizona State U.
2019, "Ellipsis and identity: Reflections on “Guess Who?”, Sluicing+@50, U. of Chicago.
2019, "The syntax-semantics interface: Some recurrent themes", The International Symposium on Interfaces in Generative Linguistics, South China Normal University.
2020, "Levels of Representation and Semantic Interpretation: A Brief History and a Case Study", Abralin ao Vivo – Linguists Online.
2022, "On Optionality: A Brief History and a Case Study", First Biolinguistic Conference of the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

Other Conference Presentations:

1970, with T. Kroch, "A note on negatives," NELS 1 MIT
1971, "Metrics and morphophonemics in early English verse," NELS 2 McGill
1974,with D. Michaels, "Alternating length in Tubatulabal," International Linguistics Association.
1976, with D. Michaels, "A reanalysis of English vowel alternations," at 12th International Congress of Linguists.
1979, with R. Freidin, "Disjoint reference and core grammar," GLOW.
1979, with R. Freidin, "Disjoint reference and core grammar," NELS.
1988, with R. Fiengo, J. Huang, and T. Reinhart, "Wh-in-situ and bounding in LF," WCCFL.
1988, with R. Fiengo, J. Huang, and T. Reinhart, "Wh-in-situ and locality conditions in LF," GLOW.
1988, with I. Heim and R. May, "On the logical form of reciprocal sentences," GLOW.
1999, with N. Sobin, "'Whom' and the English Case System," 14th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia.
2009, with S. Hong, “Defective Category C and Highest Subject Effect in Korean Pseudoclefts,” 40th Poznan Linguistic Meeting, Workshop on Clausal Architecture.
2014, with T. Grano, “How to neutralize a finite clause boundary: Phase theory and the grammar of bound pronouns,” Pronouns@Tübingen 2: Pronouns in Embedded Contexts at the Syntax-Semantics Interface. University of Tübingen.
2021, Commentary on Omer Preminger “The Building-Blocks of Language”, Abralin ao Vivo – Linguists Online.

Invited Conference Participation:

1970, NSF La Jolla Syntax Conference
1978, U. Mass. Language Acquisition Workshop (invited discussant)
1979, Sloan Foundation Learnability Workshop, University of California, Irvine
1982, Society for Philosophy and Psychology (Chairman of Symposium on Language Acquisition)
1984, U.Mass. Conference on Parameter Setting and Language Acquisition (invited discussant)
1985, Cognitive Science Seminar Series, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, (invited commentator)
1990, 12th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (Tutorial on "Syntax, Principles and Parameters")
1990, 12th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (Co-chair of Symposium on Cognitive Aspects of Linguistic Theory)
1997, Open Linguistics Forum (Chair, closing session)
1999, ESCOL (Session Chair)
2000, Linguistics in the Next Decade, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (Session Chair)
2001, NELS (Session Chair)
2003, International Seminar on Argument Structure, Delhi (Session Chair)

Colloquia and Workshops:

October 1971, University of Connecticut, "The structure of complement sentences"
January 1972, University of Massachusetts, "Exception features vs. subcategorization: a reanalysis of infinitival complements"
May 1972, University of Chicago, "Reciprocal sentences and semantic representation"
May 1973, University of Massachusetts, "The form of semantic rules"
March 1974, Brandeis University, English Department, "Early English verse"
March 1974, Purdue University, "Distinguishing syntax from semantics"
March 1974, Purdue University, "Remarks on Chomsky's conditions on transformations"
September 1974, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Pronouns and coreference"
December 1975, City University of New York, "The theory of coreference"
February 1978, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Restricting transformational theory"
March 1978, McGill University, "Remarks on the English auxiliary system"
October 1978, Rockefeller University, "Further remarks on filters"
February 1979, University of California, Irvine, Program in Cognitive Sciences, "Some issues in the theory of coreference"
March 1979, University of California, Los Angeles, "Binding and anaphora"
March 1980, Brown University, "Some issues in the theory of learnability"
November 1980, University of Massachusetts, "Anaphora and indexing"
March 1981, New York University, "Principled restrictions on the theory of transformations"
March 1981, Université du Québec à Montréal, "Learnability in linguistic theory"
March 1981, McGill University, "Learnability in linguistic theory"
March 1981, McGill University, "Coreference and indexing in binding theory"
March 1981, Yale University, "Coreference and indexing in binding theory"
April 1981, University of North Carolina, "Implications of a restrictive theory of transformations"
March 1982, University of Pennsylvania, "Indexing, coreference, and logical form in the Government-Binding theory"
April 1982, McGill University, "Solutions to the projection problem"
April 1982, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "A class of binding puzzles"
April 1982, University of Massachusetts, "Learnability implications of restrictive theories of grammar"
April 1983, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "ECP and move WH"
September 1984, Princeton University, "Learnability implications of a restrictive theory of grammar"
October 1984, Artificial Intelligence Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Substitutes for negative data"
October 1984, University of Massachusetts, "Strong crossover with NP movement"
November 1984, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "A new case of strong crossover"
November 1984, Université du Québec à Montréal, "A new case of strong crossover"
November 1984, McGill University, "Eliminating the A-over-A constraint"
October 1985, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "On certain cases of problematic binding"
November 1985, University of Texas, "Issues in anaphora: A new perspective on an old perspective"
February 1986, University of Southern California, "Subjects and the theta criterion"
February 1986, University of California, Irvine, "Topicalization: Old light on some new problems"
February 1986, University of California, Los Angeles, "Topicalization: New-fangled consequences of an old-fashioned analysis"
July 1986, CUNY Linguistic Institute (with T. Reinhart), "Two perspectives on anaphora"
September 1986, University of Texas, "Remarks on each other" (with Irene Heim and Robert May)
October 1986, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Extending the uniformity condition"
October 1986, Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Krakow, "Present directions in linguistics"
October 1986, Uniwersytet im.A.Mickiewicza, Poznan, "Current issues in grammatical theory"
January 1987, University of Tsukuba, "Subjects and the theta criterion"
January 1987, University of Tsukuba, "Expletives and Case assignment"
January 1987, International Christian University, "On the necessity of binding conditions"
January 1987, International Christian University, "Expletives and Case assignment"
March 1988, University of Arizona, "Case and expletives"
March 1988, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Two conjectures about scope and LF"
March 1988, City University of New York, "What expletives can tell us about Case theory, and vice versa"
March 1988, University of Toronto, "Issues in Case theory"
March 1988, University of Toronto, "Language acquisition and linguistic theory"
September 1988, University of Massachusetts, "The Case of expletives, and related mysteries"
May 1989, University of Maryland, "Affix hopping"
June 1989, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Vitoria, A series of lectures on recent developments in syntactic theory
June 1989, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, "Proper government revisited"
June 1989, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, "Current issues in binding theory"
June 1989, Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset, Madrid, "Proper government revisited"
June 1989, Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset, Madrid, "Current issues in binding theory"
October 1991, Jersey Syntax Circle, Princeton, "Operators and obviation"
March 1992, New York University, "Case, binding, and the organization of the grammar"
July 1992, Warsaw University, "Modular models of grammar"
October 1992, Harvard University, "Antecedent contained deletion: a minimalist perspective"
November 1992, City University of New York, "Government, Case and the distribution of PRO"
November 1992, State University of New York, Stony Brook, "Government, Case and the distribution of PRO"
December 1992, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, "Government, Case and the distribution of PRO"
January 1993, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Workshop on the Minimalist Theory of Syntax
August 1993, Institute for Humane Studies, Yeungnam University, "Toward a minimalist theory of syntax"
February 1994, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "The development of Binding Theory"
March 1994, University of Wisconsin, "The English verb system: A simple old problem or a difficult new one?"
August 1994, Keio University, "The English verb system: Old light on an old problem"
November 1994, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Antecedent contained deletion and/or pseudo-gapping"
November 1994, Jersey Syntax Circle, "Verbal morphology: Syntactic Structures meets the minimalist program"
March 1995, University of California, Irvine, "Verbal morphology: Syntactic Structures meets the minimalist program"
March 1995, University of California, Los Angeles, "Pseudogapping"
September 1995, University of Washington, "What is the Last Resort Condition?"
June 1996, Oxford University, "Levels of representation and the elements of anaphora"
July 1996, University of Edinburgh, "Verbal morphology: Syntactic Structures meets the minimalist program"
November 1996, City University of New York, "Quantifier Lowering?"
May 1997, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, "Ellipsis and identity"
September 1997, University of Connecticut, "Derivation vs. representation in modern transformational grammar"
October 1997, Yale University, "A gap in an ellipsis paradigm: Some theoretical implications"
February 1998, University of Pennsylvania Institute for Research in Cognitive Science, "A gap in an ellipsis paradigm: Some theoretical implications"
March 1998, Portsmouth, New Hampshire High School, "Towards a 'Minimalist' theory of Case"
April 1998, University of Maryland, "A gap in an ellipsis paradigm: Theoretical implications?"
July 1998, Keio University, "Further consequences of conflicting c-command relations"
July 1998, Keio University, "Chomsky's naturalistic approach to language: The first half century and beyond"
August 1998, Tohoku University, "Ellipsis and identity"
April 1999, Université du Québec à Montréal, "Some alternative principles of particle constructions"
August 1999, University of Connecticut, "On certain interactions between movement and ellipsis"
September 1999, Princeton University, "Feature movement or agreement at a distance?"
September 1999, Princeton University, "Subjects, objects, and the EPP"
October 1999, University of Maryland, "Feature movement or agreement at a distance?"
November 1999, University of Arizona, "Topics in Minimalism: Old Problems, New Insights; Old Insights, New Problems" (a series of four lectures: I. What About S-Structure?; II. Subject-Object (A)symmetry; III. On A-Movement Reconstruction; IV. Feature Movement or Agreement at a Distance?)
February 2000, Stanford University, "Subjects, objects, and the EPP"
February 2000, UC Santa Cruz, "Where do you put the * ?"
April 2000, University of California, Berkeley, "Minimalizing movement"
May 2000, UC San Diego, "Feature movement or agreement at a distance?"
May 2000, UC Irvine, "Feature movement or agreement at a distance?"
August 2000, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, "Minimalizing movement"
October 2000, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Salvation by deletion"
November 2000, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Analyzing the English Aux: An historical perspective"
March 2001, SUNY Stony Brook, "When can you repair an island by destroying it?"
November 2001, Cornell, "How can you repair an island by destroying it?"
November 2001, Cornell, "Verb-particle constructions, clause-mate conditions, and the EPP"
March 2002, MIT, "The development of Case theory"
March 2002, University of Maryland, "Ellipsis and long movement 'repair'"
March 2002, NYU, "More cases of repair by ellipsis"
May 2002, University of Connecticut, "On Clause-mate conditions"
November 2002, University of Arizona (Cognitive Science Program Master Seminar), "On ellipsis: Generative approaches to the interpretation of missing constituents"
November 2002, University of Arizona, "On the Extended Projection Principle"
October 2003, University of Delaware, "The EPP and repair by ellipsis"
October 2003, Harvard University, "The EPP and repair by ellipsis"
June 2004, University of Stuttgart, "Guess what (Sluicing can do)"
June 2004, University of Stuttgart, "A-Movement, the EPP, and the Organization of the Grammar" [2-day seminar]
May 2005, ESLDance, "Some properties of language in general, and English in particular"
October 2005, Bogazici University, "On ellipsis: Generative approaches to the interpretation of missing constituents"
October 2005, Bogazici University, "On repair by ellipsis"
May 2006, University of Southern California, "A family of questions"
May 2006, UC Los Angeles, "Multiple Sluicing in English?"
May 2006, UC Los Angeles, "On the EPP"
September 2006, University of Maryland, "Multiple Sluicing in English?"
April 2007, SUNY Stony Brook, "Simplex sentences, Governing Categories (and phases?)"
August 2007, Keio University, "The first half century of generative grammar: Some recurrent themes"
August 2007, Keio University, "A Minimalist perspective on some classic syntactic problems"
March 2009, University of Connecticut, "Quantifier Lowering Re-reconsidered"
July 2009, Center for Linguistic Theory, Beijing Language and Culture University, “Violation repair, non-repair and the organization of the grammar
April 2010, University of Pennsylvania, “A surprising consequence of single cycle syntax
April 2012, Leiden University, “A reconsideration of island repair by deletion
October 2014, Harvard University, “Family of questions: Nuclear or extended?
November 2015, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, “Clause-mates, phases and two families of questions
March 2017, "Locality and quasi-locality: New approaches to old paradigms / old approaches to new paradigms", University of Arizona.
April 2017, "Locality and Quasi-Locality: Old and New Approaches to 'Clause-mate' Phenomena". UCLA Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese, Lois E. Matthews Lecture.
May 2017, "Clause reduction, clause permeability, and their syntactic effects: A selective history". (3 lecture mini-course), South China Normal University, School of Foreign Studies.
May 2017, "Clauses, Quasi-clauses, and Phases: A surprising generalization and a speculation", Guangdong University of Foreign Studies.
2019, "The syntax-semantics interface: Some recurrent themes", The International Symposium on Interfaces in Generative Linguistics, South China Normal University.
2019, "A reconsideration of Exceptional Case-Marking", South China Normal University.
2019, "Reflections on ellipsis and identity", Guangdong University of Foreign Studies.
2019, "The development of generative grammar", Zhejiang University.